What readers are saying...
- "Great read! The characters are relatable, believable, laugh out loud funny
~ Goodreads
"I don't want it to end but I can't stop reading!"~ Liam, 11 years old
"A standout in the young adult fantasy genre, offering a fresh take on elemental magic and royal intrigue."~ LibraryThing
- "A captivating world filled with magic, adventure and unforgettable characters."
~ Goodreads
"Descriptions had me snort-laughing as I read, so you know it's a winner!"~ Instagram
"A classic adventure tale of good against evil... Goldie’s spot-on narrative voice allows the reader to get lost in the adventure."~ Reedsy Discovery
- "Easy to read with colloquial language, references, and dialogue geared to the YA target readership."
~ Flaxroots.com
"Grab this one and read it “when pigs fly”… which, in this story, is a lot sooner than you might think!"~ Reedsy Discovery
"My son loved this book! He has struggled to read his whole life and...he got struck right in. "~ Goodreads
Book 1: The Dangers
The Dangers of Being Brave & True is book one in The Broken Spell, a six book elemental magic fantasy series for everyone who loves alternate worlds, mages and magic, coming of age tales and forever friendships. A fantasy quest through the wilds of Arvalonia!
Book 2: An Element of Magic
The Broken Spell series continues with an elemental power-up and a royal mission that flies sideways fast! Join Brave at Kingsfort Castle and follow True on a royal quest into the wilds. Expect kickass winged horse adventure and magic school vibes.
Book 3: Out now!
Guardians of the Spell untangles lies, reveals monstrous secrets and hurls the buried truths of an ancient legend into Brave and True's lives. Meet new characters, and follow those you love, as they face a brand new threat.
Welcome fantasy reader!
Arvalonia and all who walk her winding ways greets you in Balance!
Whether you're about to meet Brave & True for the first time, or are obsessed with elemental powers, watch your six and beware.
Beneath the magical wonder of this world, secrets and lies entangle and a loathsome menace lurks in the shadows.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Go in Balance.
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Libraries and schools in NZ: >>Please order The Dangers of Being Brave & True, An Element of Magic and Guardians of the Spell paperbacks from www.wheelers.co.nz
For eBooks: www.eplatform.co/nz
Click here for ISBN's and other handy details
I loved reading this book! The world building was amazing! I found myself on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next! I can’t wait to read the next book!
~ Willaspahela, LibraryThing, Early Reviewers